Past exhibition
Pas si Love !
Edition 3
February 13 - march 5, 2016

Third edition of "Pas si Love !"

Within the event " Strasbourg mon Amour ", the Bertrand Gillig Gallery proposes an exhibition of diverted, original and caustic works around love, around eroticism, around sex, …

The gallery asked artists from France and abroad to create works on the subject.

With photos repainted by Ayline Olukman (USA), Marc Felten's paintings ( F ), Catherine Metz, Jim Delarge and of Nathalie Pirotte (Belgium), Drawings by Tamina Beausoleil, Olivia Maurey, Jessica Soueidi, Thibault Franc, Benoît Trimborn and Anne Gérard, sculptures of Pascale Morin, Caroline Riegert, Laure Boin and Solène Dumas, Photos by Olivier Lelong, Jérôme Klingenfus, Mina Nijinsky and Alain Marie.


Warning: some artworks may strike the sensibility of the young visitors and the not warned people.

Exposition du samedi 13 février au samedi 5 mars 2016, ouvert du jeudi au samedi de 14h à 18h ou sur RDV et exceptionnellement le 14 février de 14h à 19h

Avertissement : certaines oeuvres peuvent heurter la sensibilité des jeunes visiteurs et des personnes non averties.